Arawak Premium agricole white Rums are made from two
varieties of sugar canes, the “blue” cane and the “red” cane. These
varieties from Guadeloupe (French West Indies) have been carefully
selected and are recognized for their aromatic power. Our rums are
made with 100% first-pressed sugarcane juice extracted by pressing
quality estate grown sugarcane, guarantee of quality products.
Our Premium Rums are great allies for mixology, in
particular with ti-punch, and available in 70 CL 40 and 50% VOL.

What is Premium & Flavoured Rum ?

Fruits Flavoured Rums possesses aromas of an extreme subtlety.
Worried of expressing all the nuances, Arawak developed a range
with a very specific process : the accurate choice of its fruits, a
slow and natural maceration, an agricultural rum selected of
Guadeloupe. Fresh fruits are immediately cut and bottled, this
gives typical taste to our products. Arawak Flavoured Rums are
ideal chilled on the rocks, bring a lot of elegance and originality to
your cocktails and available in several flavors, 70 CL 32% VOL.

Earth of pure cane
Introduced in the 17th century in Guadeloupe, sugarcane is grown on more than
5000 hectares for the manufacture of rum. The harvest of the cane begins in
January and continues until the month of June. Indeed, this stage takes place
during the most sunny period of the year in Guadeloupe in order to extract the
best properties of the plant. Sugarcane maturing between 10 and 12 months, only
one harvest is carried out each year. After the freshly cut canes are crushed,
fermentation and then distillation operates.
The particularly pleasant climatic conditions of the island (heat
and humidity) combined with the true knowledge of the local producers, give the
agricultural rum of Guadeloupe the reputation of being one of the best
in the world. Developed from two cane varieties on the island, the Blue Cane
and the Red Cane, the Arawak white Rum is very typical : suave, raw and
toned. Theses characteristics are the guarantee of a high quality rum.

Sweetness of fruits

Fineness of pure cane juice


Arawaks were Amerindians established
in the Greater and Lesser Antilles (West
Indies). They lived in perfect harmony
with nature and have always been very
attentive to refinement and beauty.
Theses values shaped the spirit of Arawak, recognizing in this culture his own identity
, the same respect of tradition and nature, this attention to finesse in development of his
products. Very carefully to the choice and transformation of sugar cane and our fruits,
we are proud to offer Flavoured & Premium Rums, rums of quality.